Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Semester

This year for the first time I took summer classes; back home I have always enjoyed a three month long summer break with no summer classes. In a way, having summer classes has helped me stay occupied enough so that I do not miss my family and friends as much.
Some programs at U.S. universities may have mandatory summer classes, while some offer voluntary ones. At The Chicago School, summer classes are mandatory for Masters, as well as Doctorate students. Although summer semesters are short and require less credit hours compared to the fall or spring semesters, many students choose to take more classes in summer to expedite their graduation process. I chose to take only the five required courses to keep things light. Also, as an international student I had to enroll for minimum of five credits (three courses) this summer to maintain my immigration status.
On one hand I was excited to have few courses; on the other hand I was apprehensive about accomplishing the credit requirements within such a short period of 8 weeks. However, along with studies I also managed to indulge myself in summer cleaning, shopping, following the FIFA World Cup games, and recreational jaunts. This period was filled with spectrum of leisure activities and curriculum work similar to the sunny and rainy patches of Chicago weather. The summer semester breezed passed me without even a tinge of realization, and I have my final exams approaching next week.
Nonetheless, with all the summer fun I faced one loss, “Khubbie” (my pet goldfish mentioned in earlier blog) passed away. Khubbie’s decease has left Nemo all alone in the aquarium, so we are planning to get a new goldfish soon for his company; but before that some serious work for my summer finals.